Make Your Own Maps Using Google's My Maps
Place your ancestors on the map and share it with your family. Using the tools provided free in Google’s My Maps, Francie will demonstrate how to create and edit maps illustrating places your family lived, their migration routes, and different generations. Further, she will demonstrate how to add notes, photos, and icons depicting your family’s unique history and will present useful ideas for a variety of your own maps, even for planning a research trip. You can then share these unique maps with family members and continue to add to them in the future. You can use her handout to follow the presentation step-by-step.
Francie Kennedy is passionate about microhistory, and inordinately fond of maps and old county histories. She frequently stays up late collecting resources for her students in Beginning Methodology classes. Francie believes that the study of the past through the fascinating lens of genealogy can bring us a new sense of our own place within the world. She is a member of the Association of Professional Genealogists (APG) and speaks to genealogical societies on topics ranging from Google to geography. Francie is a fourth generation native Californian.