Eric Siess is a Board Certified GenealogistSM with over 25 years of professional and personal experience in family history research, lecturing and teaching. He lectures on various genealogy topics throughout Southern California and has helped many clients find their European ancestors. He taught beginning and intermediate Genealogy at the South Bay Adult school for several years and one of his courses, “Solving the Ultimate Puzzle: Family History” was the 2011 LiveWell class for Intellectual Health.
He has successfully submitted several lineage society applications including DAR, First Families of Ohio, and Society of Civvil War Families of Ohio. He has traced his own lineage into Alsace and Sweden into the late 1600’s and has located and visited an ancestral home near Strasbourg, France.
He has a Ph.D. in Engineering, is the President of the South Bay Cities Genealogical Society and is a member of several other genealogical organizations including the National Genealogy Society.