She is an independent professional genetic genealogist currently working as the genetic genealogy consultant on Finding Your Roots with Henry Louis Gates, Jr. and Genealogy Roadshow.
CeCe has close working relationships with major genetic genealogy testing companies and loves to help others discover more about their family heritage through DNA testing. Her area of expertise lies in assisting others in understanding Autosomal DNA testing products such as 23andMe's Relative Finder, FamilyTreeDNA's Family Finder, and Ancestry.com's AncestryDNA. She participated in the beta testing for all three products and is considered an innovator n the use of autosomal DNA for genealogy, frequently consulted by DNA testing companies, genealogists,m adoptees, and the press.
Her volunteer work includes:
* Lead Ancestry Ambassador for 23andMe
* Moderator for the ISOGG DNA Newbie List
* Advisory Board for the Mixed Roots Foundation
* Co-Director of the Global Adoptee Genealogy Project
* Southern California Regional coordinator for the International Society of Genetic Genealogy
* Volunteer Administrator for the Jefferson/Hemings, Proctor, Travis and the Adopted DNA Projects at FamilyTreeDNA
* Administrator for the ISOGG Wikipedia.
Cece is quoted on DNA in newspapers, journals and blogs including the Wall Street Journal and Washington Post. Her blog (http://www.yourgeneticgenealogist.com/) made Newsweek's “Recommended Reading List for DNA.”